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July 16, 2009

haha, ok- so this comic is officially up and running. I realize the first two pictures are ginormous and that I need to cut the size down a little bit but otherwise I'm really proud of the work that my twin and I have put into it so far (with the brainstorming, the snapshots, etc.) We've worked really hard on it but there's more work to be done so we'll try to keep this up to date as much as possible. The goal is to have at least a new page up every night. Whether this will work or not I'm not sure yet due to the time it takes just to make one page (28 layers later this is the result, lol). I hope you enjoy reading and will keep coming back because I know we have a blast making them.

If you want to contact us, you can reach me through youtube (Yes, there is a video up and will be more soon). (And feel free to comment on the video that's up as well if you would like.)

Myafeine of Archimonde

July 14, 2009

Ok, this comic is still in the creation stage at the moment but I would like to introduce the cast- Acowmaru the druid of Archimonde, Raelyne of Archimonde, Myafeine the mage of Archimonde, Nero the warlock, Kairos the priest and Bugga the (fail) rogue.
